Can Not Acces My Website,i Get Redirected.

LD Software -> Hosting Support

Author: alegria PostPosted: Thu 21 Aug 2008, 13:00    Post subject: can not acces my website,i get redirected.

yesterday i signed up for a free hosting,i have uploaded the files for phpnuke with ftp to the htdocs folder. but when i try to acces my website i always get redirected to

does annyone how i can solve this problem and finally can get my website online?
my site url=

thank you

Author: AffamoleLocation: United Kingdom PostPosted: Thu 21 Aug 2008, 13:21    Post subject:

Hi there, Alegria,

Welcome to LD Software Forums.

I am looking into the problem right now, and I will resolve the issue for you shortly.

Author: alegria PostPosted: Thu 21 Aug 2008, 17:58    Post subject:

thank you affamole,
i hope it will be solved.

Author: AffamoleLocation: United Kingdom PostPosted: Thu 21 Aug 2008, 20:15    Post subject:

Hi alegria,

When you registered your free hosting account, did you see the hold page under your url for your site?

The reason why I want to know is that I have successfully upload and installed Raven Nuke on to one of my free accounts.

As for your free account we are working to resolve this issue at the moment, well byethost staff are working on this, and I am waiting for a reply from them to tell me that this has been done.

It should be solved at some point this evening.

Author: alegria PostPosted: Fri 22 Aug 2008, 13:35    Post subject:

what do you mean with hold page undr my url of my site? what is a hold page?
it is still not working. i contacted suport with a ticket in cpanel but i see that the ticket is closed but my problem is not solved.


Author: AffamoleLocation: United Kingdom PostPosted: Fri 22 Aug 2008, 23:43    Post subject:

Hi alegria,

Sorry for the delay, your site is now functioning correctly and you can now continue the installation of Raven Nuke.

I meant holding page, but not to worry as we fixed the problem.

Author: alegria PostPosted: Sat 23 Aug 2008, 14:34    Post subject:

affamole thank you it had been solved now. but can you tell me what was the problem?

greetings and thanks again

Author: AffamoleLocation: United Kingdom PostPosted: Sat 23 Aug 2008, 15:06    Post subject:

Hi alegria,

The problem was cause by byethost, they failed to inform me that the there had been a change in the name servers that they use.

Which was a bit strange as this change did not affect any of the other free host accounts on my site.

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