Google's Blacklist
Date: Tuesday, September 08 2015 @ 22:09:53 BST
Topic: Site News

Finally I'm off google's blacklist, I think posting in their webmaster forums may have helped and providing an image of proof that LD Software's website is clean.

No malware was found by me and I did reupload my entire site and I removed the BidVertiser advertising from my web site and google still gave a false positive, so as a lesson for every, scan your web site first, use more that one service, take screen shots of the results if clean, then complain on google's webmaster forums and show them the images.

I also recommend that if you are paying for any of google's services stop paying because google have proven that they are not trust worthy and I am looking forward to when the European courts administer justice to google.

This article comes from LD Software

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