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Login and Registration Issues
Why can't I login?
Why do I need to register at all?
Why do I get logged off automatically?
How do I prevent my username appearing in the online user listings?
I've lost my password!
I registered but cannot login!
I registered in the past but cannot login any more?!

User Preferences and settings
How do I change my settings?
The times are not correct!
I changed the timezone and the time is still wrong!
My language is not in the list!
How do I show an image below my username?
When I click the email link for a user it asks me to login?
How do I change my rank?

Ranks on Board

Posting Issues
How do I post a topic in a forum?
How do I edit or delete a post?
How do I add a signature to my post?
How do I create a poll?
How do I edit or delete a poll?
Why can't I access a forum?
Why can't I vote in polls?

Formatting and Topic Types
What is BBCode?
Can I use HTML?
What are Smileys?
Can I post Images?
What are Announcements?
What are Sticky topics?
What are Locked topics?

User Levels and Groups
What are Administrators?
What are Moderators?
What are Usergroups?
How do I join a Usergroup?
How do I become a Usergroup Moderator?

Private Messaging
I cannot send private messages!
I keep getting unwanted private messages!
I have received a spamming or abusive email from someone on this board!

phpBB 2 Issues
Who wrote this bulletin board?
Why isn't X feature available?
Who do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this board?

Are your forums accessible as a newsfeed using RSS and Atom protocols?

Time synchro. with the server - Timezone/DST with your computer

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ArtificialIntel, ChatServ, mikem,
sixonetonoffun and Paul Laudanski (aka Zhen-Xjell).

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