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Google Tools
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Google Tools

From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, by MultiMedia




Main article: Blogger

In 2003, Google acquired the Pyra Labs and Blogger services. Formerly premium features that needed to be paid for were made available for free by Google. The tool, Blogger, is a service to make weblog publishing easier. The user does not have to write any code or worry about installing server software or scripts. Nevertheless, the user can influence the design of their blog freely.


Google Code is Google's site for developers interested in Google-related development. The site contains Open Source code and lists of their API services.



Main article: Gmail

On April 1, 2004, Google announced its own free webmail service, Gmail, which would provide users with 1000 MB (actually 1 GB, or 1024 MB) of storage for their mailboxes and would generate revenue by displaying advertisements from the AdWords service based on words in users email messages. Owing to April Fool's Day, however, the company's press release was greeted with much skepticism in the technology world. Jonathan Rosenberg, Google's vice-president of products, re-assured BBC News by saying "We are very serious about Gmail."

When Gmail was announced, the storage space available was vastly more than that of most other free webmail providers—for example, Microsoft's Hotmail only offered 2 MB, and Yahoo!'s Mail service offered 4 MB. (In response to Gmail, Yahoo's limits have been upgraded to 250 MB and then again, to 1 GB for their free accounts, and 2 GB for their premium account; Hotmail's limits are being upgraded to 250MB.) There has been a great deal of criticism regarding Gmail's privacy policy. Most of the criticism was over Google's plans to add context-sensitive advertisements to emails by automatically scanning them. Google continues to refute some of this criticism by pointing out that GMail is using mostly industry wide practices.

On April 1, 2005 Google announced that they would begin constantly increasing mailbox size by approximately 1 MB every 75 seconds, with no plan to stop. This actually was an April Fool's joke, but the company did simultaneously announce that it was increasing mailbox size to 2 GB, with a promise to add more space in the future. They are continuously adding more space, much slower than during April 1. On their webpage, they show how much space they are currently providing. By April 11, Google was adding storage at approximately 3.5 MB each day.

Although Google's Gmail is still in beta testing, and not open to the general public, users who do have an account have 5 (new users) to 100 (older users) "Gmail invites" that they can send to others. The number of invites a person has regenerates over time.

Gmail is anticipated to go open to the general public in early 2006. Although Google has not yet set an official date for open admittance, any person in the United States with a cell phone capable of text messaging can now sign up without an invite from a current user at https://www.google.com/accounts/SmsMailSignup1.

Language Tools

Google Language Tools

This tool allows users to use Google in many different languages.

Google Reader

Google Reader

Main article: Google Reader

On October 7th 2005, Google launched Google Reader, a feed reader, or "news aggregator", capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds. Google Reader is accessed through a web browser and features an interface similar to Gmail. It allows you to subscribe to feeds by URL, import/export subscription lists using OPML, and search for new feeds. The service also embeds audio enclosures in the page. To add a "Add to Google Reader" Button with 1-click subscriptions to your webpage visit the link below.

Google Sitemaps

Main article: Google Sitemaps

In June 2005 Google released the Google Sitemaps tool into beta testing. Google Sitemaps allows Webmasters to generate a file that lists the URLs on the site in order for better indexing of the website. Google makes no promises about increasing PageRank with this tool, but it allows the Webmaster to get some feedback on the URLs that Google is searching.



The Google Web API (or Google Web Services) is Google's public interface for registered developers. Using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), a programmer can write services for search and data mining that rely on Google's results. Also, websurfers can view cached pages and make suggestions for better spelling.

By default a developer has a limit of 1,000 requests per day. This program is still in a beta phase. Google is one of the few search engines to make its results available via a public API; Technorati is another good example. Some popular implementations of the Google Web API include the alerting service Google Alerts, or FindForward, as well as the Google Dance Tool, which monitors when Google is spidering the Internet.

Google Guide made by MultiMedia | Free content and software

This guide is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia.

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