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Advertising Block That Really Works


Wednesday, 25 April 2007

For a long time I could not get the advertising block to display banners. The admin side of the advertising module would show the banner but the block would not. However the number of impressions would continue to raise with no visible banner!

So how could I offer an advertising solution to any visitor that want to advertise on my site. With that in mind I had a choice, do I rewrite the entire module or look for an answer in one of the many phpnuke sites.

Well I looked and looked, I even ask a few sites if they knew a solution to this problem, unfortunately no one had an answer.

So I started to look at previous versions of phpnuke's banner system and at the various alternative advertising modules that are available. I did not like what I found, though there were very excellent alternatives, not many though!

So from the open source (free versions), I found some inspiration to write a block that access the MySQL database and selected a random banner that is active and display that banner!

So I wrote this new Advertising Block that really displays banners, added to your banner system by your clients, without changing the advertising module in any way.

This block is in use on this site you will need to register with us in order to download. Registration is free!

The New Advertising Block is available in our downloads section


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