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How to install the DB of PHP-Nuke with PHPMyadmin

3.4.5. How to install the DB of PHP-Nuke with PHPMyadmin

Create a database that will contain the PHP-Nuke tables (see Figure 3-13). The name of the database should be the same name as the one you entered in config.php (see Section 3.7).

Figure 3-13. phpMyAdmin: Create database.

phpMyAdmin: Create database.

To populate the database, you have to import the nuke.sql file, exactly as we showed in Section 3.4.2 for general database dump files. Clicking on the left bar, depending on the database you selected, you will see a list menu coming up, showing the structure of the database (and, on the same time, the central page will show the enlarged structure of the database), with a series of options, all of them in the bottom of the page (see Figure 3-14). It is these options we are interested in when installing PHP-Nuke.

Figure 3-14. phpMyAdmin: table structure and selection.

phpMyAdmin: table structure and selection.

What you have to do now, is to click on "browse" and go search for the .sql file that contains the instructions that build the structure of the PHP-Nuke database (see Figure 3-15). Once found, it suffices to click on "Go" and the database will be installed. Of course, if there are errors, they will be reported at the end of the installation procedure. And of course, the same holds for the message "operation succeeded".

Caution Don't delete the whole database on the ISP!

If you have bought some hosting space on your ISP's servers, you may not be able to create databases at your will, but be constrained to use only the one that your ISP created for you. In this case, you can create, delete and modify its tables and their contents, but not the database itself! Don't drop the whole database, as you may not be allowed to recreate it!

Figure 3-15. phpMyAdmin: SQL query.

phpMyAdmin: SQL query.

You can verify that the tables were populated with data by browsing their contents (Figure 3-16) - click on the small icons besides their names in the left frame for this (if you click on their names, you will only see their structure).

Figure 3-16. phpMyAdmin: table data.

phpMyAdmin: table data.

Other options of PHPMyAdmin that are not relative to the installation of PHP-Nuke, but still useful for the administration of the database, can be found in Section 3.3.

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PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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