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phpMyAdmin: How to administer MySQL via Web

3.4. phpMyAdmin: How to administer MySQL via Web

Once you have opened your phpMyAdmin (to do this, if you are working locally, you would have to open http://localhost/phpmyadmin with your browser), you will get a screen that offers you the possibilities of

  • Select a database through a drop-down list.

  • Create a new database

as in Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7. phpMyAdmin: Select database.

phpMyAdmin: Select database.

Once you have chosen the desired operation, you arrive at the administration interface of your phpMyAdmin. Newer versions contain a navigation bar, located at the top (Figure 3-8), offering the following options:

  • Structure: See the database structure.

  • SQL: Execute SQL operations (e.g. load an existing database).

  • Export: Make a backup of the database.

  • Search: Search for data.

  • Query: Display the structure of an SQL query (useful for programmers).

  • Drop: Delete a database (be careful!).

Figure 3-8. phpMyAdmin: Navigation bar.

phpMyAdmin: Navigation bar.

As far as we are concerned here, we only need to explain the first 3 items:

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