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DOM scripting

Web Design & Development Guide

DOM scripting

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The term DOM Scripting refers to programmatically accessing the Document Object Model (DOM). In common usage, DOM Scripting usually implies the use of JavaScript, but could easily be accomplished by any other programming or scripting language with access to the DOM. DOM Scripting has its roots in DHTML, but is far more structured. It is the third pillar in the web standards movement.

DOM Scripting vs. DHTML

Traditional DHTML

  • uses JavaScript, CSS and HTML
  • tends to be browser-specific
  • usually requires code forking
  • web only
  • was used with non-standardized markup

DOM Scripting

  • uses a scripting language and valid markup (HTML/XHTML/XML/etc.)
  • can be used with any valid document type
  • can be used with any programming/scripting language
  • is browser independent
  • degrades gracefully


  • Jonathan Snook, Aaron Gustafson, Stuart Langridge and Dan Webb: Pro DOM Scripting with Ajax, APIs and Libraries, ISBN 1-59059-764-8
  • Jeffrey Sambells and Aaron Gustafson: AdvancED DOM Scripting: Dynamic Web Design Techniques, ISBN 1-59059-856-3 (http://www.advanceddomscripting.com)
  • Christian Heilmann: Beginning JavaScript with Dom Scripting and Ajax, ISBN 1-59059-680-3 (http://www.beginningjavascript.com)
  • Stuart Langridge: DHTML Utopia - Modern Web Design Using JavaScript and DOM, ISBN 0-9579218-9-6
  • Jeremy Keith: DOM Scripting - Web Design with Javascript and the Document Object Model, ISBN 1-59059-533-5



External links

Home | Up | Cascading Style Sheets | Printer friendly | Brochureware | Digital strategy | DOM scripting | Fahrner Image Replacement | Microformat | Progressive enhancement | Rollover | Spacer GIF | Techniques for creating a User Centered Design | URL redirection | Web Interoperability | Web modeling | Web template | Web-safe fonts | Website architecture | Website wireframe

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This guide is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia.


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