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One of many sites that use Postnuke.
Latest release: 0.764 / November 20, 2006
Preview release: 0.800 Milestone 2 / September 29, 2006
OS: Cross-platform
Genre: Content Management System
License: GNU General Public License
Website: www.postnuke.com

PostNuke is a free, open source content management system (a 'nuke') forked from PHP-Nuke, released under the GNU General Public License. The PostNuke project was started because some PHP-Nuke users believed there should be a more open development environment. The users felt the only way this could be done was to develop their own fork of the PHP-Nuke code. PostNuke has grown beyond PHP-Nuke and become a project standing on its own merits. Like XOOPS, PostNuke's code is object oriented and fully modular.


Currently PostNuke can provide RSS feeds, internet forums (through PNphpBB2, a modification of the popular forum software phpBB, as well as pnForum and other forums), polls, language internationalization, galleries, chat, e-commerce, games, reviews, links, as well as countless other features with various hooks and modules, many of which are free. PostNuke is also themeable using several theme engines such as Xanthia and AutoTheme (also known as AT, or AT-Lite), as well as PostNuke's native theming system. Both Xanthia and AutoTheme offer page caching to speed up page generation times. PostNuke is written in PHP and stores its data in a MySQL database. Future versions will work with any database supported by the ADOdb driver. PostNuke will run on any platform that PHP will run on, including the Apache and IIS webservers.


  • Postnuke Content Management by Kevin J. Hatch (ISBN 0672326868)
  • Das PostNuke Kompendium by Markus Gossmer, Michael Schumacher, Andreas Schauperl (ISBN 3540219420)

Current Development

The current version of PostNuke is 0.764. The development is currently focusing on the release of version 0.8, with the Milestone 3 available for download. The 0.7x version is now only updated for security fixes, with 0.8x at the centre of development.

See also

External links

Home | Up | b2evolution | Drupal | e107 | eZ Publish | Joomla! | LifeType | Mambo | PHP-Nuke | PostNuke | TYPO3 | WordPress | XOOPS | Xaraya | Zope

Web Design & Development Guide, made by MultiMedia | Websites for sale

This guide is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia.


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PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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