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Web Design & Development Guide


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Xaraya is a web application framework and content management system, written in PHP and released as free software under the GNU General Public License. It was originally a fork of the original 0.8 development branch of Postnuke, but has been re-written from the ground up since then.


  • Modular architecture.
  • Widely re-usable code.
  • Template-controlled presentation.
  • Possibility to redesign and re-export the data structure of modules, using the Dynamic Data Model.
  • Support for different article types (such as News, Documents, Links, Reviews, FAQ, etc.), and the possibility to easily add new article types from the administration area.
  • Modular authentication, allowing Xaraya to support authentication methods such as LDAP, PAM. A working LDAP module is shipped by default with Xaraya, and new plugin systems are being developed.
  • An advanced permissions system.
  • Built in short URL support in many modules.
  • Template and output caching.


  • Because of its abstract structure, Xaraya has high performance issues and is dependent on caching for all page serving.
  • There is a very steep learning curve in becoming familiar with Xaraya due to its flexibility.
  • There is little support for custom modules, although the software is actively supported through Xaraya.com[1].

See also

External links

Home | Up | b2evolution | Drupal | e107 | eZ Publish | Joomla! | LifeType | Mambo | PHP-Nuke | PostNuke | TYPO3 | WordPress | XOOPS | Xaraya | Zope

Web Design & Development Guide, made by MultiMedia | Websites for sale

This guide is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia.


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