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Yahoo! 360º


Yahoo! 360º

From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, by MultiMedia

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Yahoo! 360º is a personal communication portal similar to Google's Orkut, Friendster and the incredibly popular MySpace, currently in beta testing. It integrates features of social networking, blogging, and photo sharing sites. A user may create a personal web site, share their photos from Yahoo! Photos, maintain a blog, a list of local reviews, profile information, and see which friends are currently online. The service launched on March 29, 2005 on an invite-only basis, similar to Gmail. The service removed its invite-only status on June 24, 2005 and has since become available to any Yahoo! user over the age of 18 in the United States, the United Kindom, France, Germany, Canada, Australia and Japan.

Several other Yahoo! properties are integrated with 360° in some fashion. These include:

New features introduced with 360°:

  • Themes.
  • Blog, complete with RSS feeds;
  • Lists, where users may compile interests, favorite movies, books, and so on;
  • Blasts, quick posts or ideas that are neither published in the blog nor archived;
  • Testimonials, "review" and praise your close friends.
  • Reviews from Yahoo! Local, Yahoo! Shopping, Yahoo! Travel and Yahoo! Games

External links

Home | Up | Buzz Log | DomainKeys | Rollyo | Yahoo! 360º | Yahoo! Calendar | Yahoo! Directory | Yahoo! Fantasy Sports | Yahoo! Games | Yahoo! Groups | Yahoo! HotJobs | Yahoo! Mail | Yahoo! Messenger | Yahoo! News | Yahoo! Personals | Yahoo! Search | Yahoo! Slurp | Yahooligans!

Yahoo!, made by MultiMedia | Free content and software

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