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Yahoo! Groups


Yahoo! Groups

From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, by MultiMedia

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Yahoo! Groups Yahoo! Groups

Yahoo! Groups is an electronic mailing list service provided by Yahoo!. Over the years, Yahoo! bought several other mailing list providers, including the popular eGroups, and combined them with Yahoo! Clubs into one system. Thus, Yahoo! Groups is now by far the most popular and well-known provider of electronic mailing list facilities.

The category tree of topics in which the groups are sorted is borrowed largely from Yahoo!'s own directory hierarchy, however some subcategories in Yahoo! Directory such as music are so popular in Yahoo! Groups that they have their own top-level category.

As well as providing e-mail relaying and archiving facilities for the many lists it hosts, the Yahoo! Groups service provides additional functions on the web site, such as voting and calendar systems, file uploading, easy management and more. This has helped persuade many large users to continue using the service, since these "value added" elements would be harder to provide on their own servers. However, while the basic mailing list functionality can be used with any e-mail address, the additional features require using a Yahoo! ID for logging on to the web site.

Unique facts about Yahoo! Groups

Yahoo! Groups is unique as it combines elements of an electronic mailing list, and an internet forum. Many Yahoo! Groups exist for the sake of carrying on discussions, which can be posted by e-mail, or from the group homepage, just like a forum. The group homepage often also contains extra features such as a photo gallery, a file hosting space, links, a calendar and often even a chat room. Thus, Yahoo! Groups has become very popular among independent webmasters because of its versitility. Some groups, however, are still just mailing lists that only the group moderators can post to. But slowly, Yahoo! Groups are being used more for Usenet style discussion groups rather than just mailing lists.

External links

Home | Up | Buzz Log | DomainKeys | Rollyo | Yahoo! 360º | Yahoo! Calendar | Yahoo! Directory | Yahoo! Fantasy Sports | Yahoo! Games | Yahoo! Groups | Yahoo! HotJobs | Yahoo! Mail | Yahoo! Messenger | Yahoo! News | Yahoo! Personals | Yahoo! Search | Yahoo! Slurp | Yahooligans!

Yahoo!, made by MultiMedia | Free content and software

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